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Unitary Learning with qgrad

In this example, we shall try to learn an abitrary \(8 \times 8\) unitary matrix \(U\), via gradient descent. We shall start with a random parametrized unitary matrix \(U(\vec{\theta}, \vec{\phi}, \vec{\omega})\).

Parametrized unitaries in qgrad are available via Unitary class with \(\vec{\theta}, \vec{\phi}, \vec{\omega}\) as parameter vectors with \(\vec{\theta}, \vec{\phi}\) being \(\frac{(N) (N-1)}{2}\) dimensional and \(\vec{\omega}\) being \(N\)-dimensional.

Here the input dataset consists of \(8 \times 1\) random kets, call them \(| \psi_{i} \rangle\) and output dataset is the action of the target unitary \(U\) on these kets, \(U |\psi_{i} \rangle\). The maximum value of \(i\) is \(80\), meaning that we merely use 80 data points (kets in this case) to efficiently learn the target unitary, \(U\).

This tutorial is different from the Qubit Rotation, in that it learns the unitary matrix to not only take a fixed specific state to another fixed state. Here the unitary \(U( \vec{\theta}, \vec{\phi}, \vec{\omega})\) is learnt to evolve any same dimensional ket as the target unitary, \(U\) would evolve it.

Note: Another version of this tutorial is implemented without qgrad that uses the parametrization used in Seth Lloyd and Reevu Maity, 2020 and reproduces part of the results of that paper. This tutorial shows similar results, only with different unitary paramterization \(U(\vec{\theta}, \vec{\phi}, \vec{\omega})\) since the parametrization used in the original paper uses hamiltonians in the powers of exponents, whose autodifferentiation is not currently supported in JAX. For further reading on this autodifferentiation incompatibility and unitary learning, please refer to companion blogs here and here

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import grad
from jax.experimental import optimizers
from jax.random import PRNGKey, uniform

import numpy as onp

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from qgrad.qgrad_qutip import fidelity, Unitary

from qutip import rand_ket # only to make the dataset

from scipy.stats import unitary_group
def make_dataset(m, d):
    """Prepares a dataset of input and output
    kets to be used for training.

        m (int): Number of data points, 80% of
            which would be used for training
        d (int): Dimension of a (square) unitary
            matrix to be approximated

        tuple: tuple of lists containing (JAX Device
            Arrays of) input and output kets
    ket_input = []
    ket_output = []
    for i in range(m):
        ket_input.append(jnp.array(rand_ket(d, seed=300).full()))
        #Output data -- action of unitary on a ket states
        ket_output.append(jnp.dot(tar_unitr, ket_input[i]))

    return (ket_input, ket_output)

m = 100 # number of training data points
N = 8 # Dimension of the unitary to be learnt
train_len = int(m * 0.8)
# tar_unitr gives a different unitary each time
tar_unitr = jnp.asarray(unitary_group.rvs(N))
ket_input, ket_output = make_dataset(m, N)

Cost Function

We use the same cost function as the authors Seth Lloyd and Reevu Maity, 2020 define

\begin{equation} E = 1 - (\frac{1}{M})\sum_{i} \langle \psi_{i}|U^{\dagger} U(\vec{\theta}, \vec{\phi}, \vec{\omega})|\psi_{i}\rangle \end{equation}

where \(|\psi_{i}\rangle\) is the training (or testing) data points – in this case, kets, \(U\) and \(U(\vec{\theta}, \vec{\phi}, \vec{\omega})\) are the target and parameterized unitaries respectively and \(M\) is the total number of training data points, which in our example is \(80\)

def cost(params, inputs, outputs):
    r"""Calculates the cost on the whole
        training dataset.

        params (obj:`jnp.ndarray`): parameter vectors
            :math:`\vec{\theta}, \vec{\phi},
        inputs (obj:`jnp.ndarray`): input kets
            :math:`|\psi_{i} \rangle`in the dataset
        outputs (obj:`jnp.ndarray`): output kets
            :math:`U(\vec{\theta}, \vec{\phi},
            \vec{\omega})|ket_{input} \rangle`
            in the dataset

        float: cost (evaluated on the entire dataset)
            of parametrizing :math:`U(\vec{\theta},
            \vec{\phi}, \vec{\omega})` with `params`
    loss = 0.0
    thetas, phis, omegas = params
    unitary = Unitary(N)(thetas, phis, omegas)
    for k in range(train_len):
        pred = jnp.dot(unitary, inputs[k])
        loss += jnp.absolute(jnp.real(jnp.dot(outputs[k].conjugate().T, pred)))

    loss = 1 - (1 / train_len) * loss
    return loss[0][0]

Performance Metric – Fidelity

While cost is a valid metric to judge the learnability. We introduce another commonly used metric, the average fidelity between the predicted and the output (label) states, as another metric to track during training. Average fidelity over the dataset over a particular set of parameters is defined as:

\begin{equation} F_{avg} = \frac{1}{M}\sum_{i}| \langle \psi_{in} | \psi_{pred} \rangle |^2 \end{equation}

where \(\psi_{label}\) represents the resulting (or the output) ket evolved under the target unitary, \(U\) as \(U|\psi_{i}\rangle\) and \(\psi_{pred}\) represents the ket \(\psi_{i}\) evolved under \(U(\vec{\theta}, \vec{\phi}, \vec{\omega})\) as \(U(\vec{\theta}, \vec{\phi}, \vec{\omega})|\psi_{i}\rangle\).

def test_score(params, inputs, outputs):
    """Calculates the average fidelity between the
        predicted and output kets for given parameters
        (averaged over the whole training set).

           params (obj:`jnp.ndarray`): parameter vectors
               :math:`\vec{\theta}, \vec{\phi}, \vec{\omega}`
           inputs (obj:`jnp.ndarray`): input kets
               :math:`|\psi_{l} \rangle`in the dataset
           outputs (obj:`jnp.ndarray`): output kets
               :math:`U(\vec{t}, \vec{\tau})|ket_{input} \rangle`
               in the dataset

           float: fidelity between :math:`U(\vec{\theta},
               \vec{\phi}, \vec{\omega})|ket_{input} \rangle`
               and the output (label) kets for given `params`

    fidel = 0
    thetas, phis, omegas = params
    unitary = Unitary(N)(thetas, phis, omegas)
    for i in range(train_len):
        pred = jnp.dot(unitary, inputs[i])
        step_fidel = fidelity(pred, outputs[i])
        fidel += step_fidel

    return (fidel / train_len)[0][0]
# Fixed PRNGKeys to pick the same starting params
params = uniform(PRNGKey(0), (N**2, ),
                        minval=0.0, maxval=2 * jnp.pi)
thetas = params[:N * (N-1) // 2]
phis = params[N * (N - 1) // 2 : N * (N - 1)]
omegas = params[N * (N - 1):]
params = [thetas, phis, omegas]

opt_init, opt_update, get_params = optimizers.adam(step_size=1e-1)
opt_state = opt_init(params)

def step(i, opt_state, opt_update):
    params = get_params(opt_state)
    g = grad(cost)(params, ket_input, ket_output)
    return opt_update(i, g, opt_state)

epochs = 40

loss_hist = []
params_hist = []
fidel_hist = []

for i in range(epochs):
    opt_state = step(i, opt_state, opt_update)
    params = get_params(opt_state)
    loss = cost(params, ket_input, ket_output)
    avg_fidel = test_score(params, ket_input, ket_output)
    progress = [i+1, loss, avg_fidel]
    if (i % 10 == 9):
        print("Epoch: {:2f} | Loss: {:3f} | Fidelity: {:3f}".
Epoch: 10.000000 | Loss: 0.061839 | Fidelity: 0.888217
Epoch: 20.000000 | Loss: 0.014260 | Fidelity: 0.975306
Epoch: 30.000000 | Loss: 0.006706 | Fidelity: 0.986648
Epoch: 40.000000 | Loss: 0.002017 | Fidelity: 0.995984

Analyzing Learning Routine

We see that we efficiently (with $ \sim `99 %$ fidelity) reconstruct the target unitary :math:`U starting from a random initial guess. We merely use \(80\) examples for training, and in \(40\) crude gradient steps, we almost perfectly approximate the target unitary, \(U\). Below is a plot of how fidelity increases and loss gets down to zero in the training schedule.

In the graph below, \(M\) represents the total size of the train set, \(\psi_{label}\) represents the resulting (or the output) ket evolved under the target unitary, \(U\) as \(U |\psi_{i} \rangle\) and \(\psi_{pred}\) represents the ket \(\psi_{i}\) evolved under \(U(\vec{\theta}, \vec{\phi}, \vec{\omega})\) as \(U(\vec{\theta}, \vec{\phi}, \vec{\omega})|\psi_{i}\rangle\).

Each marker on the graph is the fidelity between the predicted and the target/label kets averaged over the whole train set and the cost on whole training set respectively.

plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6))

plt.plot(fidel_hist, marker = 'o',
         label=r"$F_{avg} = \frac{1}{M}\sum_{i}| \langle \psi_{label} | \psi_{pred} \rangle |^2$")

plt.plot(loss_hist, marker = 'x',
        label=r'''$L = 1 - (\frac{1}{M})\sum_{i}\langle \psi_{i} | U ^{\dagger} U( \vec{\theta}, \vec{\phi}, \vec{\omega)} | \psi_{i} \rangle$''')

plt.title("Fidelity and Cost Trends", fontweight = "bold")
plt.legend(loc=0, prop = {'size': 15})
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7ff0b4b94e48>

Testing on unseen kets

We reserved the last \(20\) (which is \(20 \%\) of the total dataset) kets for testing. Now we shall apply our learned unitary matrix, call it \(U_{opt}(\vec{\theta}, \vec{\phi}, \vec{\omega})\) to the unseen kets and measure the fidelity of the evolved ket under \(U_{opt}(\vec{\theta}, \vec{\phi}, \vec{\omega})\) with those that evolved under the target unitary, \(U\).

theta_opt, phi_opt, omega_opt = params_hist[-1]
opt_unitary = Unitary(N)(theta_opt, phi_opt, omega_opt)
fidel = []
for i in range(train_len, m): # unseen data
    pred = jnp.dot(opt_unitary, ket_input[i])
    fidel.append(fidelity(pred, ket_output[i])[0][0])
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 DeviceArray(0.98841643, dtype=float32),
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We see that the testing fidelity is \(\sim 98 \%\), as opposed to training fidelity \(\sim 99 \%\). One would expect this since drop as the unitary now acts on unseen data. We, however, note that we generalize well with \(\sim 98 \%\) accuracy, if you will.

This learnt unitary \(U_{opt}(\vec{\theta}, \vec{\phi}, \vec{\omega})\) can now be used to emulate the original target unitary, \(U\), for more general datasets as well.


  1. Lloyd, Seth, and Reevu Maity. “Efficient implementation of unitary transformations.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.03431 (2019).